How do you drink your Espresso?

How do you drink your Espresso?

Vocabulary in chunks to learn from vide :

  • Start their day: Begin their morning.
    • Example: This is how a lot of people start their day – with a hot cup of coffee.
    • Synonyms: Begin their morning routine, kick off their day.
  • Doing it right: Performing a task correctly or appropriately.
    • Example: But are you doing it right?
    • Synonyms: Executing properly, following the correct procedure.
  • Espresso Do’s & Don’ts: Guidelines or rules for making and drinking espresso.
    • Example: We want to find out the do’s and don’ts of Italian coffee culture.
    • Synonyms: Guidelines, recommendations, best practices.
  • Master roaster: An expert in roasting coffee beans.
    • Example: He’s a master roaster and coffee expert.
    • Synonyms: Expert roaster, seasoned coffee roaster.
  • Common mistakes: Errors that many people make.
    • Example: Tell me the biggest mistakes, the common mistakes, people make with espresso?
    • Synonyms: Widespread errors, typical blunders.
  • Technician way: A methodical or precise approach.
    • Example: That is the technician way to find the quality of coffee.
    • Synonyms: Methodical approach, systematic method.
  • Perceive the cream: Notice or become aware of the creamy texture.
    • Example: The main goal is to perceive the cream as velvety as you can.
    • Synonyms: Recognize, sense, detect.
  • Coffee culture: The customs, traditions, and practices surrounding coffee consumption.
    • Example: Coffee culture in Trieste is vibrant and deeply ingrained.
    • Synonyms: Coffee customs, coffee traditions, coffee rituals.
  • Hub for the coffee industry: A central location or focal point for coffee-related activities and businesses.
    • Example: Trieste is a hub for the coffee industry.
    • Synonyms: Center, focal point, nucleus.
  • Caffè Shakerato: A type of cold coffee popular in summer, typically shaken with ice.
    • Example: I like my coffee cold in the summer because I can’t live without coffee. So in summer, I have to drink it cold. Like this one, Caffè Shakerato.
  • Macchiato: An espresso coffee with a small amount of milk or foam.
    • Example: I enjoy my coffee as a Capo in B, our version of a macchiato.
  • Roasting process: The method of heating coffee beans to develop flavor and aroma.
    • Example: When it comes to the roasting process, picking the right beans is essential for a good espresso.
    • Synonyms: Roasting technique, coffee bean heating process.
  • Outspoken experts: People who are vocal and knowledgeable about coffee.
    • Example: What makes people here outspoken experts?
    • Synonyms: Vocal authorities, knowledgeable individuals.
  • Taste is in the tongue of the beholder: Taste is subjective, and preferences vary from person to person.
    • Example: But remember the taste is in the tongue of the beholder!
    • Synonyms: Taste is subjective, preferences vary.
  • Adding some sugar: Putting sugar into a beverage.
    • Example: Ah, what are you doing? Why are you adding some sugar in your cup?
    • Synonyms: Sweetening, sugaring.
  • Pronunciation: Saying words correctly.
    • Example: The biggest mistake is the pronunciation.
    • Synonyms: Articulation, enunciation, speech.
  • Slurp: To eat or drink something noisily.
    • Example: You can slurp just a bit of liquid on your tongue.
    • Synonyms: Sip noisily, gulp, drink loudly.
  • Aroma’s perception: The way one detects the scent or fragrance of coffee.
    • Example: The problem is that you change the aroma’s perception.
    • Synonyms: Smell detection, fragrance recognition.
  • Cappuccino: An espresso-based coffee drink with steamed milk foam.
    • Example: You can take a cappuccino. Why not?
    • Synonyms: None.
  • Full-body perception: Sensation of the coffee’s weight or richness on the palate.
    • Example: The main goal is to perceive the cream as velvety as you can and the full-body perception.
    • Synonyms: Richness sensation, fullness awareness.
  • Trieste’s coffee reputation: The collective opinion or perception of Trieste regarding coffee.
    • Example: And that is what gives Trieste its coffee reputation.
    • Synonyms: Prestige, renown, standing.
  • Good espresso bean: Coffee beans suitable for making high-quality espresso.
    • Example: What are we looking for in a good espresso bean?
    • Synonyms: Quality coffee beans, premium espresso beans.
  • Robusta quality: The grade or standard of Robusta coffee beans.
    • Example: The more Robusta we use, the worse will be the bitterness sensation.
    • Synonyms: Grade of Robusta, Robusta bean quality.
  • Espresso every morning: A common practice of having espresso daily.
    • Example: So they can have an espresso every morning in a bar. That’s what we do…
    • Synonyms: Morning espresso ritual, daily espresso habit.